Insurance, Tax, and Key Control Documents
Insurance & Tax Documentation
Prior to the beautiful new website built for us by the fine folks at Silverlake Design Studio, we had an unwieldy mess! If you looked hard enough, you could find a page where we hosted our certificate of insurance and W9, and another page with key control documents for the convenience of our commercial clients.
Key Control Documents
I am now posting all of those documents together in this blog post for those that may need them.
Whatever locksmith company in Conway or North Central Arkansas you choose to use, verify that they are properly insured and have a Sales Tax Permit.
Due to the requirements of the clients we seek to serve, we always maintain automotive, liability, and workman’s compensation insurance policies. All of our technicians have a copy of our Certificate of Insurance in their van at all times. We invite you to review it anytime you would like!
Some of our clients have other insurance requirements, such as being listed as an additional insured, and we are happy to accommodate such requests.
So here it is!
Click here for a copy of our Certificate of Insurance
Click here for a copy of our W9
Click here for a copy of our Sales Tax Permit
Key Control Forms
Click here for a Key Liability Form
Click here for a Key Identification Log
Click here for a Key Control Log
Proper documentation is critical to the effective management of a key system. You need to know which keys operate which doors. This is the purpose of the Key Identification Log. It provides a list of key codes and identifies the doors or areas to which those keys grant access.
You need to know who has what keys at all times. This is the purpose of the Key Control Log. With this form you can maintain a record of the date a person was given a key, to whom the key was given, that person’s acknowledgement that they received the key, and when they surrendered the key. When used in correlation with the Key Identification Log, you can identify who has access to what doors in your key system.
A large Master Key System can be very expensive to modify. The Key Liability Form helps emphasize to keyholders the responsibility they bear while in possession of your keys. Some institutions choose to transfer liability for irresponsibility with keys to the keyholder by making them pay to rekey the portion of the key system compromised in the case of a lost key. For keys in the upper levels of the hierarchy, this cost can quickly reach into the thousands of dollars range. Even if you don’t intend to use it, it’s good for keyholders to understand the true value of the keys in their possession.
Would you like to discuss additional options for maintaining key control in your facilities?