The A+ Safe & Lock Customer Club

We like our customers so much we want them to meet each other!


Shaunna Murphree won a 25$ Cupid’s Lingerie giftcard!

Sure, everyone says they like their customers. But who actually acts as if they like their customers? We’re putting our money where our mouth is!

We started the A+ Safe & Lock Customer Club a couple months ago. Each week we purchase a gift card from one of our customers and give it away on Facebook!

How do you enter? Watch our social media channels for the announcement. After the announcement is posted, leave a comment on the Facebook post announcing the giveaway before the expiration.

That’s all there is to it! We do a random drawing from the people that comment on the post each week.

How to you connect with us on social media? I’m glad you asked! Here are the direct links to all of our channels.

Jesse Sullivan won this $25 gift card to THINK Coffee!

Jesse Sullivan won this $25 gift card to THINK Coffee!

Adam Kuipers